© Integrated Men's Health 2021
What others have to say about the ebook...
“I feel so inspired reading this, admittedly I did feel some discomfort in the beginning which is why I wanted to read it. How you have approached this topic is head on and yet compassionate. I have gotten a lot out of reading this and even how I relate to my partner, especially 8 months post birthing our daughter."
"WOW I read it straight away and was very impressed and informed! I will definitely catch up for a session in the future. Thank you so much for sharing and caring. It has awoken me totally. Thank you again.”
"I think I even had a weeny orgasm as I was reading some of your description, the whole top of my head completely opened up and a tingle rushed all the way up my spine and out of my skull. It was nice to breathe again!"
"Your honest use of language makes me laugh all the way through. Your discussion of erectile dysfunction and impotence makes me cry, as I know what that feels like, and it's like you've help a mirror up to me. The discussion on full body orgasm got me tingly!"
"Your book made me want to be a better person. It's well written and easy to understand. I like how you were raw and open with your own experiences."
"Just read your book Catherine and loved it! If only every man could read this and seek healing we probably wouldn't have a lot of the problems we have around violence against women. Love your straight-to-the-point no bullshit writing style too. Keep up your awesome work!"
"Your book needs to be read by every man I know..."
"I felt a softness and a sadness (due to understanding more) rise in me when you spoke about the pole opposites and where they reside and how they work with men and women! Thank you!"
Men's Health and Porn Addiction Specialist
About the Author
Catherine Lyell
For 15 years Catherine has facilitated sessions where men got to feel deep relief from unspeakable shames, trauma, dysfunction, serious health issues and more. She has witnessed incredible transformations successfully time and time again... in a nurturing and private environment where men feel safe to express themselves. She is helping men ditch porn out of their lives for good, after only one or two sessions. She is balancing out all areas and levels of your sexuality and helping you find peace and solutions around relationships... answering questions you didn’t know you had. 

Catherine is a Kinesiologist, Intuitive Healer, Kundalini Specialist and Tantric Healer, Massage Therapist, Psychospiritual Therapist, Business Mentor, Trainer and Transformational Coach. Her specialities are porn and sex addition, mental health, sexual abuse, and sexual health. Catherine has a rare intuitive gift and shamanic insight, along with an immense passion for helping men align with their truth and move forward in their lives.

Is porn taking over your life?
Did you know that over 90% of men watch porn?
  • Are you avoiding sex because you can't get or maintain an erection?
  • Are you finding it difficult achieving orgasm with a woman?
  • Are your energy levels depleted?
  • Are you suffering from anxiety more than ever?
  • Are you pulling back from intimate relationships?
This eBook will help you:
  • Learn how men heal through intimacy
  • Identify what porn is doing to your mind and body
  • Find a solution to erectile dysfunction
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